Final CD draft
I quite liked the first idea that I had with my CD cover, yet realised that the stripes on the front of the cover were not pinstripes, which is what I had wanted to go for originally to match with the first line of the song 'You're pinstriped...'. The outline of France on the cover also did not stand out particularly well, so I made sure that I put a few more white dashed lines on the outline. On the back and inside there weren't particularly any changes that I wanted to make as I was pretty pleased with the end result. The only change that was made was the picture of Sam on the front side left as I had a change in artists. I wanted it to be simple, yet have colours that were edgy and stood out a bit.
Front Cover

Back side left

Inside right

CD Placement

Inside left


I constructed my website on Dreamweaver. I firstly designed the tables in order for my images, text and scroll-boxes to be displayed professionally. I needed to make sure that I inserted the two text boxes into the 'code' area of Dreamweaver to create small scroll-down bars which would look interesting and different.
I edited all of my pictures in Paint Shop Pro and then had to change the images that had been edited back into JPEG's to ensure that they could be inserted into Dreamweaver and onto the website. I also did all of my text on Paint Shop Pro and these were cut and inserted in the same way.
Also when adding my video I had to ensure that I converted the file to 'SWF' format as if this is had not been done, Dreamweaver would not have presented it correctly.
By making sure that I used all of the same colours on my website as I did on my CD cover, the two texts would link together and create a more professional advertising campaign.
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